Friday, November 9, 2007

My activities

Last Saturday, I had an appointment with my friend, Kong at Siam about 10 o’clock. We want to buy some books for our subjects. I arrived at Siam at 9 o’clock, I thought I had to wait for an hour but 10 minute later Kong arrived on time too. We went to Karaoke Centre named Duangta, we sang songs for 2 hours. Then we had lunch at dentistry faculty of Chulalongkorn University, there were many cheaper foods than ABAC so I paid 25 baht for my lunch. After that we went to Chulalongkorn Book Centre, we met our friends, Film and Pie, they wanted to buy books too. I brought 3 books and paid about 700 baht. Then my friend and I went to shopping, we walked around Siam for an hour but we didn’t buy anything. About 4 p.m., Kong persuaded me to buy DVD with him at The O-Siam, around Sow-Ching-Cha. We made an appointment with another friend, Jien to go with us. They finished about 5 p.m. Jien took taxi with me to Hualumplong Station, he walked to Talad-Noi market and I took the underground train to go home. I slept early because I walked for long time so I felt tired.


Last Sunday, my family went to Sudthawad Temple for observe the annual ceremony of presenting yellow robes to Buddhist monks, it was called Tod-Ka-Thin ceremony. This ceremony started by parade around the church of temple for 3 times. Then I had lunch, there were many foods from many people who wanted to make merit, I was extremely full. After that I prayed and received blessing from monks. This ceremony finished about 2 p.m. so my family came home for prepare cooking.

Today, I wake up early because have ethic class at 9.30. After I finish class I hurry to take taxi to Satriwitthaya 2 School, my high school. There is Sport Day that they call “Pikul Game” I meet my friends who studied in the same room with me in high school. We walk around our school, we meet many teachers, and we receive the warm welcome from them. We saw Cheer Leaders and Cheer groups of each color, we cheer green color that called “Rachawadee” because we had been in green color when we studied in high school. After Pikul Game finish we have dinner together and talked about our life in university. Then we back home.

My Friends.