Saturday, January 19, 2008


On the last Wednesday, I had class at 8.00 am until 12.30 pm and 3.30 pm until 5.00 pm but my friends and I did not go to class, so we had many time to do something during waiting to learn next subject (World Civilization)


At first, my friends and I went to “Pra-Ram-9-Kai-Yai”, it was restaurant that about Som Tum, chicken fried. There were 7 persons and my best friend named Aui was going to there. We decided to go to The Mall Bangkapi for sing a song at Karaoke centre. We choose an hour in big room, this package was 299 baht and there were French fired and a jug of Pepsi. We sang a song together, I never brave before because I am so shy and I always think that my voice did not melodious but this time everyone sang together that make me brave. Although my friend named Bank did not sang only but he took photos for us. After an hour later we consulted that we would sang for an hour or checked out, then we checked out because Phee wanted to buy a gift to his girl friend, he brought a key holder that price is 350 baht.

After that we went back to ABAC to study World Civilization subject, we did not want to miss this class because the teacher would told us about the points of midterm exam. I felt very excited because I did not satisfy when I leave the examination room. I got 17 points from 20 that was good for me.

@ Hamra Bar & Restaurant
In the evening, my friend named Nick wanted to banquet her birthday. There were 11 persons, we celebrated at Hamra Bar & Restaurant but we always called New Light because it was the old name, it is near ABAC. There was surprise to Nick because my friends named Ploy and Nan gave her a cake birthday; it was vanilla cake and in the front was Mickey Mouse. We ordered a tap of beer and many foods. I painted the cake on my friend’ face named Film and he painted me too.

On next Monday, my friend named Tar will banquet her birthday at Hamra Bar & Restaurant too; we often celebrate at there because I know the employee of Hamra that we can celebrate in loud noise. I did not buy gifts to Nick and Tar yet, I think I will buy it about the last day of this month because on 24 and 25 January were my friends’s birthday named Pakbung and Pai. The most important reason is I did not have money enough to buy gifts because I just buy a rabbit and I buy many things to it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! 2008

I went to Lopburi with my family during new year festival, we celebrated with other relatives, there are 11 person; my grand mother, my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. We were draw lots, everybody laugh I think that night everyone were happy. We count down together that I never did it before because I alway count down on computer with my friends.


On Saturday,13 January, I just bought a new rabbit, it is white and so cute because my old rabbit was died,it named Puala, it is female; white and brown hair, black eyes. It was died because my friend named Keng brought it to his home, he took my rabbit into his rabbit's cage then my rabbit was died, I do not know the true"Why the rabbit died?" because he did not tell me. I felt sad. I bought a new because I want to take care it by myself, I think if it was died again I would not buy rabbit. My rabbit is white hair, pink ears and red eyes, it ia female and 2 months years old. I did not give a name to rabbit yet.

>>>> my old rabbit, Paula

>>>> my new rabbit
After Midterm