Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thailamd's Sand Sculpture Festival

I have some place to advice you to go, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand’s Sand Sculpture Festival.

28 November 2007 – 28 March 2008

Venue: On a field next to Srisothon Rd., Muang County, Chachoengsao Province (82 km east of Bangkok)

On the auspicious occasion of HM. King Bhumibols’ 80th Birthday Anniversary this year, the World Sand Sculpture Festival is being held in Thailand from 28 November 2007 to 28 March 2008.

The sand sculpture festival is divided into 3 sections:

Sand sculptures to extol the King
This zone is dedicated to works related to HM. the King and his multifarious duties. There are many beautiful style such as Vishnu seated on Garuda, Chaiphattana WindMill, The Palace Walls, The Micromod Sailing Boat, Bhumipol Dam, The Royal Rain Project, Jazz Band, Mae Fah Luang Park and Doi Tung Palace, The Royal Project; it is the project for support the tribesman to grow country of cold weather plants instead grow the opium.

Thai history and literature on sand sculptures
An exhibition in the dark with light and sound effects features scenes from Thai literature and history. There are many style about history such as Wat Phra Kaew with 2 Yaks, Wat Sothon, Luang Poo Tuad, Rahul, Battle scene with King Naresuan, Nang Nguek or Mermaid, Kinarees, Hanuman, Sudsakhon, Pra Aphai manee, Sunthon Phu, Chee Pleuy, Phi Sua Samut.

The international sand sculptures
Sand sculptures representing famous landmarks such as Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty, etc. There are many sand sculpture of many country such as Germany; The Brandenburg in Berlin, France; Eiffel Tower, United Kingdom; Big Ben, United States of America; Statue of Liberty and Manhattan, New York, Italy; Coliseum and Gladiator, Spain; Flamenco Dancer, Australia; Sydney Opera House with local animals, Russia; St.Nicolas Church, Egypt; Pyramids, China; Chinese Wall and Dragon.
All of sand sculpture can create to like the real thing, if you do not know where are you go, you can go to this festival that gate fee is adult 80 baht and child 40 baht.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Did you go there as well? It looks very interesting. If I have the time I will most certainly go. I can assure you!