Sunday, February 10, 2008

~Chinese New Year~

On last Thursday, my law subject class; specific and contract 1 was canceled because my teacher went to celebrate the Chinese New Year. So my friends and I went to Central World for respect god three-formed(Brahma Vishnu,Siva) or called Pra-tree-mu-ra-ti that bless to fulfil of love and son of Siva or called Pra-pig-ka-net that bless to be successful in your live. Pra-tree-mu-ra-ti had to respect by 9 red incenses, 1 couple of red candle and 9 red roses. And the propitious moment is Thursday at 9.30 and 21.30.

The Chinese New Year that is celebrated for about fifteen days is one moment in the year when the whole nation feels united as they can imagine each other's enjoyment. The Chinese New Year gets determined by the Lunar calendar and therefore it is sometimes called the Lunar New Year. In 2008, the Chinese Lunar Year Festival would start from 7th
of February. As every one is aware of its significance, the working people in china can take weeks of holidays so that they can join the company of their near and dear ones and a feast with their family members on the Lunar New Year's Eve. Before the Chinese New Year, there is the Chinese sacrificial ceremony for the ancestor and a funeral worship that uses pork, chicken, duck, liver and fish. About the dessert such as a basket-shaped Chinese pastry, fluffy rice flour cake that the dessert foe these ceremony had to be pink or have red spot. About fruit favour use 3 things. And about the drink always use tea or intoxicating liquor. They use silver and gold paper used by the Chinese in funeral worship and use 5 incenses. For a funeral worship had to used gold bar which make from paper and other things to burn for ancestor. After this ceremony, Chinese will used firecrackers that they believe for tell the ancestor to acknowledge.

At Central World had an exhibition about Chinese New Year that called “The Great Chinese New Year Sale” so almost the decoration is red colors. There are many things about China and the way of life of Chinese such as raise of the lion. There are many sell things about China such as Shogun orange, pottery which made from jade. There are many models that wear Chinese uniform. Above this exhibition, there is thr dragon which established from light. Next exhibition for rest that had showed the Chinese music.

At the middle of the department store, there are the Chinese shows that there are many stars joined this exhibition. Central World had 7 floors, they show the lamps from seventh floor until second floor, I always stop for look down from seventh floor and look up from first floor. Before we went back we met the caravan for raise the model of lion, they went into many shop for beg the money, it was the tradition of Chinese. I got two oranges from these caravan and the blessing “Shin-Jai-Yu-Ei~Shin-Nee-Huad-Chia” it mean blessing to be successful in your live and get more money.

On these day is the day for promenade of Chinese so there were many traffic jam. We used the time for take a trip about 3 hours. It was very boring time because we had to stay in car only.

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